Past Presidents


Aero Club Presidents:

Arthur T. Atherholt 1910-11 Founder; first Licensed balloonist in PA.
Story: Ballooning to jail in Russia
Clarence P. Wynne 1912-15 Real Estate Broker; Balloon Pilot
Joseph A. Steinmetz 1916-23 Engineer, Manufacturer
W. Wallace Kellett 1923-25 AutoGyro, aircraft sales
Harold F. Pitcairn 1925-26 AutoGyros, FBO, Airlines
R.Sanford Saltus, Jr. 1927 Camden Airport Manager, Manager Central Luddington Flying Service
Hollingshead N. Taylor 1928 Manufacturer of Tin Plate; benefactor of 1st Scholarship program
W.Lawrence Saunders 1928-33 Publisher of medical books
Graham S. Mason 1933 Flight instructor. Glider pilot.
Lewin B. Barringer 1934 Gliders
Percy Pierce 1936-38 Founded Pierce Aero Corporation
Kern Dodge 1939-40 Police Commissioner Phila. Had Boeing Flying boat at Phila Seaplane Base
Victor Fritz 1941 Vocational Instructor – Aviation classes in Phila schools
Ralph H. McClarren 1942-44 Aero engineer, worked for helicopter companies, Involved Franklin Institute
George Peterson Jr. 1945-46 Printing Business, aircraft owner
E.M. Farris 1946-47 Business Owner, aircraft owner
J.Victor Dallin 1948 Manager Phila Commander, aerial photography, Commander of Air National Guard
Joseph A. Simcock 1949-50 FBO at NE Phila
Captain Ralph S. Barnaby 1950-51 Captain USN, Phila Navy Yard, Glider Pilot and expert, dropped out of Airships, Aero Engineer at Naval Aircraft Factory, was Pres of EBs (Early Birds) circa 1956
Everett J. Wood 1952 Started retirement home, aircraft owner, father of Peter Wood – Delaware County Aero Club
Jules DeCrescenzo 1953 FAA Maintenance Inspector, instructor at Rising Sun
Norman Joy Greene 1954-56 Investment banker, aircraft owner, saved Piper from Bankruptcy, QB
Leo Niessen Jr. 1956 Investor, aircraft owner (Baron), involved with TAC PAL Bridge, Grad of PMC
Virgil Kauffman 1957-61 Founder and Pres of Aero Services Corp, aerial exploration and mapping with B-17, X-5 Club
Frank Kingston Smith 1961 Elected but did not serve as Pres; attorney, aircraft owner, writer
Charles Terry Wood 1961-67 Doctor, aircraft owner (Commanche)
E. Burke Wilford 1967-68 Autogyros/helicopters, autogyro on floats
Haig Kurkjian 1968-69 Helicopters – Piasecki
Thomas G. Keyes 1969-70 Owned well drilling company, aircraft owner
Dr. Jack Schreffler 1971-74 Podiatrist, aircraft owner
L.Terry Hatcher 1974-84 WWII B17 pilot, Air Force civilian Instructor post WWII, Career Beechcraft salesman for Atlantic Aviation and Page Avjet
Leo Marshall 1984-87 Chief controller Phila Intl. airport
Albert A. Schnur 1988-00 Aero engineer, PHD, CFI, FAA inspector, aircraft owner
Norman Blanchard 2001-03 Executive Smith-Klein-Beecham, aircraft owner
Jeff Kahn 2004-05 Attorney, aircraft owner, President/Board of Angel Flight East
Walt Ellis 2006-07 Aviation enthusiast, Commercial Pilot, Aviation Mechanic
Nancy Kyle 2008-09 Investor Relations officer, Ninety-Nines, Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, CFII
Robert Dant 2010-11 Computer programmer, aircraft owner, seaplane and balloon pilot
Jim Kilduff 2012-13 Commercial Developer, aviation enthusiast and aircraft owner
Bruce Thompson 2014-15 Airline Pilot, C130 Pilot, Retired Brigadier General, 32 years with Delaware National Guard
Michael Dunleavy 2016-17 Former executive for Crown Cork. Aircraft owner.
Robert Smith 2018-19 Flight Instructor
Debbie Harding 2020-21 Hot Air Balloon pilot, instructor, owner balloon ride company, LTA event organizer
Erik Kocher 2022-23 Boeing Helicopter Test Pilot
John Brennen 2024-25 Delta Airlines Captain. Marine Corps Pilot, retired

Last updated: Feb 2025 – Rob D.