Guide – Scholarship Dinner

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Early Planning:

  1. Schedule Date: Middle Thursday in June
  2. Decide on Speaker: Confirm at least two months in advance
  3. Confirm with Venue: At least two months in advance
  4. Decide on Price: $49, includes some extra for recipients.


  1. Update Website and enable PayPal screens
  2. Announcement in Newsletter
  3. Keep venue informed of guest count

Dinner Planning:

  1. Recipients:
    1. Get list of recipients, bios, amounts from Ninety-Nines and Aero Club.
    2. Update contact list to add recipients.
    3. Send invitations to members, recipients, 99’s.
    4. Choose folks to announce various named awards.
  2. (Optional) Dinner Program: See examples from previous years. Print about 70.
    Cannot print until all scholarship winners are named
  3. (Optional) Awardee Certificates: See template. Print on Staples Certificate Sheets.
  4. PA System: PACC has one
  5. AV Equipment: Projector, TV, DVD, Laptop.
    (Projector not always bright enough outside)
  6. Get slides or video from speaker, or coordinate their device plans
  7. Photographer: Volunteer
  8. Welcome Table: Volunteers, badges, attendance list
  9. Gifts: Optional, for speaker(s)
  10. Update Venue on count. Venue capacity confirm (PACC = 80)
  11. Prepare Agenda (see examples in Google Drive from past years)

Day of event reminders:

  1. Call Joe.
  2. Welcome Table: Badges, markers, pens
  3. Projector, TV, device adapters, HDMI cord, audio cord, extension cords, camera, stands, tape
  4. Program, Certificates, pen
  5. Extra chairs.

Post Dinner Accounting:

  1. Marks dinners paid by check as PAID in Wild Apricot.
  2. Add recipient/applicants as New Members Complimentary starting July 1. Newsletter: electronic
  3. Send extra physical copies of newsletters to recipients.