Guide – Wright Brothers Dinner

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Early Planning:

  1. Schedule Date: Usually December 17.
  2. Confirm with Venue Usually in Spring. Send Deposit, usually $1000 and tax certificate. Consider space, A/V equipment, Convenience
  3. Recruit Speaker: Confirm by September. Consider backups
    1. We provide for transportation, one night stay, 1 guest
    2. Suggestion 30-45 minute presentation. Determine A/V needs
  4. Nominating committee: New board members
  5. Silent Auction: Volunteer(s): Solicit donations. Auction descriptions.
  6. Dinner Menu: Volunteer(s): Coordinate with venue/caterer. Decide on price and times.
  7. Consider candidates for Wright Brothers Award. Do we have gifts?
  8. Schedule some planning meetings, checkpoints and dry-run


  1. Newsletter invitation. Confirm price, menu and schedule.
  2. Schedule Email invitations
  3. Update Website and Wild Apricot event (set max attendance count – VIPs and anticipated mail-in checks)
  4. Invite VIPs (donors, etc)
  5. Venue (headcount, A/V requirements, tables, easels)

Dinner Planning:

  1. Dinner Program: See examples from previous years. Print about 70.
    Who do we want to thank? Optionally, compile a complete list of scholarship donors from Treasurer.
  2. Welcome Table: Volunteer(s): 2-Tables.
    Optional: Aero Club items for sale, New member apps, newsletters
  3. Optional: Custom, pre-printed name badges.
  4. Supplies: Blank name badges, Attendance list, Member renewal list, Club Banners
  5. Prepare seating chart.
  6. Silent Auction: Volunteer(s): Confirm extra tables with venue. Perpare auction sheets to hand out. Auction numbers for bidders. Easels. Keep final bidder info for accounting.
  7. Table Favors: Volunteer(s): Optional
  8. Photographer: Volunteer
  9. Optional: Prepare video content for display and for Year-in-Review
  10. Raffle Ticket sales: Volunteer (Print tickets, Poster, Sell at Silent Auction).
  11. Confirm Speaker A/V Requirements.
  12. Confirm A/V equipment with events group at Desmond, connectors and mics (podium AND lavaliere).
  13. Gifts: President: For speaker and Wright Brothers Award
  14. Prepare Agenda: President: (See examples on Google Drive)
    1. Welcome
    2. Official biz meeting
    3. Voice vote new board members.
    4. Announce new Trustees, if appropriate (5-year terms).
    5. WB Award
    6.  Year-in-review
    7. Thank Guest Speaker


  1. Badges, Markers, Pens, Banner(s), Easels, Tape/Velcro
  2. Camera, A/V Cables, PayPal dongles
  3. Award Plaque and gifts, Silent Auction items and supplies, table favors
  4. Dinner Programs, Raffle sign and tickets

Post Dinner Accounting:

  1. Mark dinner and membership payments received by check as PAID in Wild Apricot.
  2. Mark $100 donations as PAID membership in Wild Apricot.